قرى الأطفال SOS Children’s Villages | سمارت إندكس


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قرى الأطفال SOS Children’s Villages

قرى الأطفال SOS Children’s Villages

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قرى الأطفال SOS Children’s Villages
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معلومات المؤسسة

SOS Children’s Villages works in more than 130 countries to support families and help children at risk grow up in a loving home. For more than 60 years, we have worked with partners in each community to either help families care for their children or to provide an alternative, for instance an SOS family, in which the love of a carer is essential. Everything we do is based on the best interests of the child, and each has an individual development plan. Uniquely, we provide practical support over the long term, so that each child or young person can develop resilient relationships and face life’s challenges in the future.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, child, baby, closeup, text and outdoor

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